>If someone is selling cross-platform projectors, they need to buy both sides.

This is one of my pet peeves. If you've heard my rant before, feel free to 
tune out.

We're in a business, hopefully to make money. For better or worse, we have 
hitched our wagons to Macromedia's star. The better Director does, the 
better off we are as developers.

Forget any personal feelings about Macromedia (I happen to like them, but 
that's irrelevant). This is relevant: if you circumvent Macromedia's 
legitimate sales, you are hurting yourself, and all the rest of us.

If you're doing cross-platform projects, buy Director for both platforms, 
and add a dollar to your hourly rate. Amortize the cost over several 
projects, or pass it along to a single customer. You're doing yourself a favor.


Kerry Thompson

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