Hi list!

Some time ago Al Hospers posted this solution for e-mailing from within

  gotonetpage "mailto:"&; addressString &"?subject=" & subjectString &
"&body=" & messageString

Now I wanted to use this and experienced a strange behavior concerning the
length of the text in the variable messageString (Dir 8.5, win2000):

A) If the length is 154 characters or less then everything works fine
(browser opens, Outlook opens, new message window opens, fields are filled

B) If the length is exactly 155 characters, Director does the same things as
under A, but after that produces a FATAL ERROR.

C) if the length is 156 characters or more, then nothing happens, neither
the browser or Outlook are opened, nor does Director produce a fatal error.

Has anyone experienced the same thing and/or could suggest a solution for
longer message texts?

Thanks a lot!

Michael von Aichberger

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