> Some time ago Al Hospers posted this solution for e-mailing
> from within
> Director:
>   gotonetpage "mailto:"&; addressString &"?subject=" & subjectString
> "&body=" & messageString
> Now I wanted to use this and experienced a strange behavior
> concerning the
> length of the text in the variable messageString (Dir 8.5, win2000):
> A) If the length is 154 characters or less then everything works
> (browser opens, Outlook opens, new message window opens,
> fields are filled
> out)
> B) If the length is exactly 155 characters, Director does the
> same things as
> under A, but after that produces a FATAL ERROR.
> C) if the length is 156 characters or more, then nothing
> happens, neither
> the browser or Outlook are opened, nor does Director produce
> a fatal error.
> Has anyone experienced the same thing and/or could suggest a
> solution for
> longer message texts?

wowser dowser, never ran in to that one. sorry 'bout that. guess
that's another reason to use DirectEmail instead. <sigh> please post
the bug to the Director "wish" list.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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