> One thing you might czech (sorry, couldn't resist) is if the problem
> really due to Czech Windows, or if that's just a decoy, and it's
> due to their configuration.
Pretty sure it's related to the windows language/regional settings. Bug
reports note that the bug doesn't repro on the same box without the
Czech settings. This is a very widely deployed dcr, so I'm reasonably
confident the bug would have been reported with other lang settings if
it reproed.
> If it was Director related, the bug would probably also occur on
> similar to Czech. Director itself is not localized to Czech, so it's
> something on the Czech configuration.
Also has happened w. other Central European languages (croatian). There
is a Central European support pack for windows, that could be part of
the mix.
> Do you know what the script error is?
Not yet, gotta clear up a test machine and install a Czech version of
windows first.
> Do you have the source? If so, you can start tracking down to find
> line of the error.
Yup, SOP.
> I'd try to get the source and narrow down the offending line (maybe
> running the .DIR directly will help - you can do this), and work from
Yup, SOP.
Just fishing for a "yeah, I've seen that" response for clues before I go
on the bug hunt.
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