There is the antialiasing bug....

If Unicode codepage is enabled, with Central European support and you use
chars above ASCI 128 and you antialias them you get a fatal error.

Have fun.



-----Original Message-----
Tab Julius
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> bug on czech windows?

One thing you might czech (sorry, couldn't resist) is if the problem is
really due to Czech Windows, or if that's just a decoy, and it's really due
to their configuration.

If it was Director related, the bug would probably also occur on languages
similar to Czech.  Director itself is not localized to Czech, so it's
something on the Czech configuration.

Do you know what the script error is?

Do you have the source?  If so, you can start tracking down to find the
line of the error.

I'd try to get the source and narrow down the offending line (maybe running
the .DIR directly will help - you can do this), and work from there.

- Tab

At 11:56 AM 7/26/01 -0700, Stephane Comeau wrote:
>I've got a bug report that I'm trying to track down where a shockwave
>movie that works well otherwise will generate a script error and then a
>C++ runtime error when played back on a Czech version of windows with
>system locale and default language set to Czech.  No user input other
>than mouse clicks in involved, and apparently the error happens before
>user interaction in any case.
>I'm just starting to try to debug this (ie. next step, install czech os
>on a test box) and was wondering if this issue might sound familiar to
>anyone, particularly you European types.

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