> Creating a work that uses streaming shockwave audio and would like
> link the file relatively to allow moving the dcr and mp3 freely from
> place to place without the need to recreate a dcr with new paths, as
> long as the dcr and swa files are in the same directory. Would
> know how to retrieve the dcr http path, or if its possible to link
> swa files with relative rather than absolute paths?

you can put the SWA files in the same folder or in a sub folder of
where the dcr is without doing anything else. just use the the the
movie path & path below where you are. like this:

you SWA is names mySong.SWA and is in the songs folder

 the moviePath & "songs/mySong.SWA"

that's it, no biggie.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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