> Can someone telle me how I can change the source of an videocastmember while
> the video is playing?
> I have a video playing in sprite a, and with a skip-button I'd like the the
> sprite to stop, load another file into the memeber and start playing again.
> I now use this:
> property pCurrent -- video currently playing
> property pItemList
> property pVideoSprite
> property pVideoCount -- total of video's available
> on skipForward
> sprite(pVideoSprite).movieRate = 0
> pCurrent = pCurrent + 1
> -- read the next filename from a list in a global
> member("PFplaceHolder").filename = pItemList.folder & "\video" &
> pItemList.video[pCurrent]
> sprite(pVideoSprite).movieRate = 1
> end
> only the first video plays, script doesn't return errors.
> I have the feeling that I have to "disable" the sprite in a way.
> any suggestions??
Yes, your pathnames are probably off. A member's fileName won't change if
the file does not exist at the path you supply. Thus, the fileName remains
the first movie.
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