on 2/8/01 11:34 AM, holst at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All
> I have a project where i use a miaw, whit about 20 aviīs. I call the miaw from
> another miaw. 
> I wonder if itīs possible to go to a specific marker in the miaw.
> if this is possible how it is done?

Hi holst,

the following code lets you tell a MIAW to do something.

tell window "example"   -- we refer to our window by the name we gave it
    go "markerName"     -- tell the MIAW to jump to marker "markername"
end tell

replace "example" with whatever you called you called your MIAW when you
created it. e.g.

set newWindow to window "example"

hope this helps,

take it easy


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