>How would I use Buddy API in this case?

Buddy has a lot of the same file management functions as FileXtra. You can 
check on the existence of folders and files, copy files, create folders, 
and so on. I've found that Buddy works in cases where FileXtra fails, 
especially on Windows. I'll admit that I haven't used it much on NT, but 
it's worth a shot. Just substitute the Buddy folder creation call 
(baCreateFolder, I think--it's there in the help).

I've found one odd bug in Buddy--not one that most people would run across. 
I do a lot of cross-platform development, and we have an NT server. The Mac 
creates these "Icon" files on the server, and that stops Windows file 
copying dead in its tracks. So, I have a little utility to delete all these 
icon files.

The bug? baFolderExists("Icon" & RETURN) returns true. Not a show-stopper, 
but kind of interesting.


Kerry Thompson

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