> I'm sure this is child's play for some of you guys, but my
> geometry (and my
> imaging Lingo expertise) fail here. I want to create speech
> bubbles on the
> fly around my text, sized to fit around the text sprite. Is
> imaging Lingo
> the way to go? Are there other ways? Someone must have done
> this, it seems
> like a commonly useful thing to have.
> I'll always know the size of my text sprite, of course. But
> how do I draw a
> complete speech bubble around it, including that pointed end?

since you know the rect of the text sprite, why not use a vector
graphic or a Flash as the bubble graphic. then place it accordingly
relative to the text, or vice versa.

just a thought...

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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