I think that you can't do this the way you want to do.  That is, you 
can't determine which record from the original database the user has 
clicked on.  Instead, you have to get all your data in advance and 
save it away in a local or global variable.  For example:

   global glAdditionalInfo  -- global list of additional info

   mOrderBy(gTable, "StillToDo")
   put mGetSelection(gTable, "LITERAL", 1, mSelectCount(gTable), ", ", 
return, "StillToDo") after field "STILL TO DO LIST"
   -- add somethng like this:
   glAdditionalInfo = (gTable, "List", 1, mSelectCount(gTable), 

Now you have all the additional info for all selected records in a 
global list.  When the user clicks on your StillToDo field, you 
determine the line number clicked on, and use that as an index into 
the glAdditionalInfo list and put out the matching Additional Info.

Good luck,


At 10:19 AM -0400 8/7/01, Gene Fritzinger wrote:
>Hi List,
>I am populating a scrolling field member with mGetSelection. The 
>user can click on any line in scrolling field member and it will 
>become hilited. In addition, what I'd like to do is display the 
>contents of another field within the same record in another 
>scrolling field member. Because the user can click on any line 
>within the first scrolling field member, I've tried to use 
>mGetPosition to determine which record is selected. The problem is, 
>it always returns "0" . I've placed a copy of the code I'm using to 
>populate the first field member below.
>   mOrderBy(gTable, "StillToDo")
>   mSelect(gTable)
>   put mGetSelection(gTable, "LITERAL", 1, mSelectCount(gTable), ", 
>", return, "StillToDo") after field "STILL TO DO LIST"
>Can anyone suggest what I need to do to determine which record the 
>user clicks on, and also how to display the contents of the field 
>"AdditionalInfo" into field member "AdditionalInfo" from the same 


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