
> I have complete documentation about MCI commands from
> Microsoft, but (as other things) it does not work.

hmmm. interesting statement. I have done a lot with MCI & once you get
over some conceptual hurdles it worked quite well. while it is
depricated, the support for MCI is still there in Windows 2000. dunno
abut XP tho.

Kerry responded:
> You can use sound playFile, and you don't need to import the
> audio into a cast.
> If you're using Director 8 or later, there is a whole new set
> of sound
> commands that give you a lot of control over audio.  Check the Lingo
> dictionary, Lingo by Feature, under "Sound."

while this is true, it has nothing to do with playing an audio CD
track, which was the original question and in fact was the subject of
the posting... <wry grin>

I suggest that you go to the Penworks web site & look at the CD Pro
Xtra. it is free and does what you need quite well. these are the
folken who host this mailing list.

click here:


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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