
I figured out a workaround, clunky as it may be.

set gTheWriteText = removeQuotes(gTheWriteText)

  if the last item of gTheWriteText = " 3110" then
    put SPACE after gTheWriteText
  end if

on removeQuotes dataString
  repeat with a = 1 to the number of chars in dataString
    if char a of dataString = QUOTE then delete char a of dataString
  end repeat
  return dataString

This puts a space over the 0 where the 3110 would be.
But now the last item in the list when it brings it back in
will be "321 ".

So, I just delete the last char of dataString if it = SPACE
before putting quotes back into the list.

on replaceQuotes dataString
  if the last char of dataString = SPACE then delete the last char of
  repeat with a = 1 to the number of items of dataString
    if char 1 of item a of dataString = SPACE then delete char 1 of item a
of dataString
    put QUOTE before item a of dataString
    put QUOTE after item a of dataString
  end repeat
  return dataString

I just realized, though, that I could have solved that problem
differently by just saying string(value(x)) since they are numbers.

I hope this helps somebody else.  You can retrieve the number of
characters in a file using FileIO, so you can easily add a bunch
of spaces to the end of your string you are writing and delete
them all when you read them:

repeat while the last char of dataString = SPACE
  delete the last char of dataString
end repeat


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