> in Al's example:
> "you have a behavior that moves a slider around that needs
> the current
> position data"
>       ...Maybe your approach is still too procedural. Can the
> slider not
> just tell the object its new position once it gets moved and have
> object calculate the new movie position from this.

ah, DOH of course. you are absolutely correct. I just wasn't seeing

put all of the control of the movie in the object, as it currently is.
then the behavior on the slider just monitors where it is on its
slide. when you move the slider it sends the position on its slide to
the object as a % (or something) and the movie object figures out
where that is in the movie & does the correect thing to the movie.

now how to address the slides moving as the movie plays. one method
may be to register the appropriate slider method & sprite with the
object. then the object would send the current movie position to the
slider at regular intervals. the slider would perform the calculations
to display itself appropriately. that would require no additional

interesting thread. I haven't really thought about some of these
baseline issues in a while.

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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