on 8/14/01 2:49 AM, Shantanu Verma at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A good reference for giving you some ideas on how to present this would be
"Director 8 and lingo [inside macromedia]" by Scott J. Wilson, Ph.D. and
Richard Salvatierra.

Many of the tutorials have you gradually build a multimedia presentation
with Quicktime movies and other functions. Aesthetically the design isn't
something to aspire to but it will get you on track for your purposes.

The ISBN is 0-7668-2008-4

Take care,

Chad Mefferd
Morris Publishing

> Hi Group,
> I am going to develop a cd presentation for a company using director8.
> It will contain a lots of video and audio. Can you suggest me some
> references; how to make a CD presentation like this. I have been working
> with lingo since last 1 year but, never developed a CD presentation with
> video. Can you tell me which format of video should be taken? Is the
> presentation is possible to make without any paid Xtas ?
> Regards,
> A Learner
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