on 8/14/01 8:39 AM, Katagiri, Junichi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This problem of mine is a rather devastating case where director froze while
> quitting. The result is an external castLib, where I used to store all
> parent scripts and linked my movies to, cannot be opened with director. My
> question is, obviously, "Is there a way to retrieve a castLib corrupted in
> such a way?" I know this sounds dumb, but losing it all will pull me back a
> few weeks. So I take the embarrassment and am hoping for your support.. I
> use Director Shockwave Stuido 8.5 on Mac OS9.1
> Thanks
> JunK
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The only suggestion I can offer would be to use a disk repair utility like
Norton Utilities or Tech Tool to check for and make repairs to any damaged
file structures on your hard drive. Norton has saved my posterior on more
than one occasion.

Good luck,

Chad Mefferd
Morris Publishing

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