> unfortunately the text file
> is stored in the same directory as the movie which is no good as
> the movies are running from CD. The line causing me grief is
> filePath = the moviePath & "My Notes"
> is there anyway that I can save the file to a folder outside of
> the movie on the users hard drive.

FileIO, as well as containing methods for reading/writing files, also has a
useful method called "getOSDirectory()". You don't need to instantiate the
xtra to use this method - unlike FileIO's other methods.

So you could create a path like:
fullPath = getOSDirectory() & \
(the moviePath).char[(the moviePath).length] & \
"My Notes.txt"

This will point the path at the users' system directory, on Windows usually
'C:\Windows' or 'C:\Winnt'.

Once you've written your information to this file you can use the same
syntax to read it from there. Just be sure to pass the correct flag to
FileIO for read/write modes.

Also be sure to include the xtra when you distribute your CD - either packed
into the projector or externally.

It's also good form to include the version of Director you're developing
with and to include a subject line with your posts.

Hope that helps,

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