hey all-
wasn't there a recent thread on this? sound cut off due to movies in a
window? what was the solution?
siobhan o'connor wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am having a difficulty with sound and multiple movies. I am playing
> sound on a single sprite with a go the frame script attached, from
> here I may call a pop-up window containing a graphic with the option
> to print. When I click on the print button or the close window button
> in the pop-up window the sound being played in the main movie stops.
> Anyone got any ideas how I might be able to stop this from happening?
> In eager anticipation,
> Siobhan.
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R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
-- Mother Theresa
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