At 11:00 AM -0400 8/17/01, Roy Crisman wrote:
>I recently discovered that sound channels 1 and 2 are not interrupted by
>the opening of a MIAW, so try those channels for your continuous sounds.
>And, take a look at the more advanced sound controls,
>sound(soundchannel).play(), .queue(), .stop(), etc.

Here's a *movie script* handler from the DirectorU.COM Lingo Library which
may be of interest to you:

-- syntax forms which are supported:
--puppetSound whichChannel, whichCastMember
--puppetSound whichCastMember
--puppetSound member whichCastMember
--puppetSound 0
--puppetSound whichChannel, 0

-- note that this routine overrides the built-in "puppetSound" Lingo command
on puppetSound
  -- analyze the arguments
  param1 = param(1)
  if ilk(param1, #integer) then
    -- first argument is an integer channel number
    case param1 of
      0 : -- shut off currently playing sound 1
      (sound 1).stop()
      1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 : -- set the sound channel
        soundChannel = param1
        param2 = param(2)
        if param2 = 0 then
          (sound soundChannel).setPlayList([])
          (sound soundChannel).stop()
          whichSoundMember = param2
          (sound soundChannel).setPlayList([[#member : whichSoundMember,
#preloadTime : 0]])
          (sound soundChannel).play()
          return soundChannel
        end if
        -- an illegal integer value was passed
    end case
  end if
  if ilk(param1, #string) then
    -- assume that the argument is a member's name
    -- convert it to a member object reference
    memberRef = (member param1)
    if memberRef.number = -1 then
      -- the member does not exist!
      param1 = memberRef
    end if
  end if
  if ilk(param1, #member) then
    whichSoundMember = param1
    -- first argument is a member to play
    -- locate a free sound object (channel)
    -- override soundChannel 1 as a last resort
    repeat with soundChannel = 8 down to 1
      if (sound soundChannel).status = 0 then
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
    if soundChannel = 0 then
      -- there are no free sound channels to use
    end if
    -- finally, play the desired sound member
    (sound soundChannel).setPlayList([[#member : whichSoundMember,
#preloadTime : 0]])
    (sound soundChannel).play()
    return soundChannel
  end if
end puppetSound


...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on accessResources
  coolSites = [ \
    "";, "";, \
    "";, "";, \
    "";, ""; ]
  gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources

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