I lean towards the 'don't do it!' school of thought but I have done jobs
where the client insisted on having access to the source code.
One compromise that we came up with once was to put all the source code on
a disc which was then held in trust by a mutually agreed firm of solicitors
(lawyers). We authorised this firm to give the disc to the client under
certain conditions - over my dead body basically.
We kept control of our code but the client still had access in an emergency.
Mike Rule
CBT Developments
Melbourne Australia
+613 9876 1448
0418 994 067
At 03:36 23/08/2001, you wrote:
>I'm interested to find out how everyone handles clients' requests for source
>I have recently completed a project for a client (an Ad Agency with a v
>small multimedia dept). Well, the job is actually for their client but the
>agency doesn't have the skill in house to do this.
>Now the project is complete and I have delivered the final run-time
>application on CD, they have requested a CD with all the director and flash
>files for <ahem> archive purposes. I am reluctant to do this as there is a
>lot of hard-earned knowledge gone into the lingo coding.
>Short of putting this in t's & c's (which I am doing but just setting up
>business), what is the normal practice for handling this type of request?
>Kind regards,
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