> I parse an xml file and for every child i generate a
> sprite at runtime. Each child in my xml file has
> further subchildren with data about the child. I need
> to store this data about the child in a list which
> corresponds to the number of the sprite such as list 1
> list2 and so on.....
> Finally I store all these small lists in one main list
> so that when i click the sprite on stage i can display
> the data about it..but to do this when i click it i
> get the sprite number and from that number i need to
> retrieve the corresponding data list.
> for which i need to dynamically generate the name of
> the list by adding "list" with spritenumber.
> I hope it was not too complicated to undertand
> Thanx so much for your kind interest in this
> problem...

Make your main list a property list, use the sprite number as the property,
and the list of corresponding data as the value.


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