This week's theme: words borrowed from other languages.

adobe (uh-DO-bee) noun

   1. An unburned, sun-dried brick made of clay and straw.

   2. Silt or clay deposited by rivers, from which such bricks are made.

   3. A building made of such material.

[Via Spanish and Arabic from Coptic tobe (brick). Coptic is the classical
language of Egypt, a form of Egyptian with heavy influence from Greek.]

Today's word in Visual Thesaurus:

-Anu Garg (words at

  "When the earthquakes of Sept. 19 and 20 struck, walls collapsed and roofs
   caved in. Many people were crushed under the thick adobe walls, and
   survivors have been left to set up makeshift shelters amid the rubble or
   in the street."
   Steve Frazier; Mexican Property Seizures After Quake Infuriate Owners;
   The Wall Street Journal (New York); Nov 7, 1985.

Erratum: Yesterday's Emily Dickinson quotation should have read:
   The soul should always stand ajar. That if the heaven inquire,
   He will not be obliged to wait, Or shy of troubling her.

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All ideas are already in the brain, just as all statues are in the marble.
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