At 10:59 AM 23/06/2014, Jim Birch wrote:

>Where does the "right" to be forgotten fit into this picture?  Reputation
>is an important mechanism for maintaining cooperation.  It can sound
>unforgiving but requiring people to care for their reputations appears to
>me to be something to not drop lightly.  Indeed, the growing libertarian
>world view where the individual has primacy, unencumbered by responsibility
>back to society, seems to me to pose a basic threat to cooperative aka
>civil society.

Thanks for that logical analysis, Jim. Do you do this sort of social 
analysis for a living? It read as if published.

Anyway, the last paragraph exposes a sort of perverse irony. Because 
of the selfish libertarian perspective, major threats to civilisation 
are now in play, so we, as a species, may not have to worry about it 
much longer. Maybe we are a self-limiting species after all, like a 
virus that burns itself out by destroying the host, but with no where 
else to go.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

JL Whitaker
"On A Life's Edge" -
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Available 13 June on Kindle

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how 
do you fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.
~Margaret Atwood, writer

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