At 02:53 PM 24/11/2014, David Boxall wrote:

>In global warming, the nuclear power industry sees hopes of reviving 
>their moribund technologies. Reality keeps raining on their parade. 

My reaction (without reading the article, I admit, because there is usually an 
agenda running behind these sorts of story) was:
- won't work for whom - when it already is working
- won't work where - when it already is working
- won't work at what level - when it already is working

Blanket statements like "Won't Work" don't have credibility. We live in a  
strange time of centralisation and fragmentation or granularisation, where 
boutiques and big box stores exist side by side in physical space and in 
virtual space. People make all sorts of choices for all sorts of reasons. The 
same thing is happening in the energy industry, from petroleum, to hybrids, to 
fully electric. Some people use lots of solar panels, some a few, and some none 
(like me, sadly). Some people live in rentals, some in houses, some on ranches, 
some in apartments, some on boats, some in fancy hotels. Some people eat .... 
well you get my drift.

We don't live in an homogenised world any more, of just about anything, if we 
ever really did. Diversity is the new normal. As they say, horses for courses, 
and there are a lot of different kinds of each.


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Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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