At 09:06 AM 25/11/2014, Jim Birch you wrote:

>It's not even obvious that that growth is finite 

We're back to definitions: growth of what and how and over what time period?

Economic growth through cuts (higher ratio of returns by reducing the 
investment) can be destructive in the long term, while increased returns 
because more people want/need your products and you can produce them at a 
reasonable cost, and include efficiencies that aren't socially/enviromentally 
destructive, is a win win.

Growth based on a reliance on population growth alone is long term socially and 
environmentally destructive. The demands on water and the need for 
infrastructure may far outweigh the economic returns on building houses. The 
factors may not balance. You can do a Costello and increase birthrates, but at 
what real cost? The population growth isn't finite by definition, but it will 
be finite in terms of resourcing in the long run. I think this is what James 
Cromwell was driving at on Q&A last night.

Growth in terms of better yields of crops on the same land area may be a good 
thing, depending on the how. If it's disruptive of other elements of the 
environment -- DDT, upstream water hogging, GMO restrictions, disruption of 
other natural ecosystem food chains, chemical run off onto offshore reefs -- 
then it may not be a good choice and is probably finite in other ways, despite 
the economic returns through export. But if the 'how' is through better plant 
breeding (dry land cropping seed choices), less land destructive mechanical 
farming methods, nitrogen retention through grassing between grain growing 
seasons, then it's a growth that is positive, yet still finite.

And on top of the above are the investment return periods, which adds another 
level of analytical complexity. Is investment money 'finite'?

Not sure how this all relates to IT/internet, except maybe Moore's law. Is it 


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Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
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