On 16/05/15 09:04, Stephen Loosley wrote:

> ... we **need** an eHealth system ...

Okay, so Australia could design, build and test an e-health system, at a 
cost of a few tens of million dollars and see if it works, before 
spending more.

So far the Australian Government has spent more than a billion dollars 
on an e-health records system without success and plans to spend another 
half billion. There does not appear to be much change in what is 
proposed and so the outcome is likely to be the same.

A system which considers the needs of the patients as a priority may 
have more chance of success than the current one, which seems to be 
focused on the needs of doctors and the medical industry.

See also:

*  Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, Budget Review 2015–16, E 

Tom Worthington FACS CP, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
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