On 7/09/2015 9:54 AM, JanW wrote:
> At 09:40 AM 7/09/2015, David Lochrin wrote:
>> A late comment...  The technical person at an NBN roadshow here in the 
>> Highlands, where wireless will be employed in some of the outlying hamlets, 
>> told me each registered wireless user is assigned a dedicated channel so 
>> there's no congestion.  I understand it's essentially 3G/4G technology.
> For now.....
> Demand will change that. 
Only if the number of premises in the tower footprint changes dramatically - 
combines four properties into a few hundred chalets, each needing their own 
connection, for example.

When the number of endpoints within the tower footprint is pretty well known 
the tower is built, demand doesn't change that much.

Of course, the ISP's link into the NBN might get congested, but thats not NBN's
problem. Its resolving this finger-pointing that will be the test of consumer
experience as time marches on - but we already have that between ISPs and other
wholesale network services.

> Did anyone find out if people who are in underserved suburban areas can 
> access the satellite delivery? Frex, I'm fully limited where I am to 8Mb 
> down/256Kb up (ADSL).
Sadly no. NBN's systems allocate each dwelling to one and only one technology - 
if (in
the future) you will be served by FTTN or FTTP, you aren't permitted to connect 
to a
different technology in the interim. They don't want people connecting to 
satellite or
fixed wireless, and then churning off to a different technology a couple of 
years later.


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