Except with the NBN "the Internet" doesn't start until the traffic hits the RSP 
(arguably). The GPON is a point-to-multicast single-fibre "tree" technology 
that doesnt tolerate multiple possible paths between OLT and ONT - it aint 
Ethernet with Spanning Tree.
At best, a technician would have to be sent out to manually re-plug/re-patch an 
alternative path fibre (possibly several hundred connectors if downstream of 
the splitters) at the appropriate junction-points either side of a broken cable 
to get customers back up. THEN you'd have to send out a splicing truck. THEN 
possibly patch them all back.

I can see both sides - if you have to send out a crew, might as well send out a 
splicing truck to the break and do it once. 

>From memory the previous redundant fibre paths were only upstream of a 
>spliitter cabinet anyway - so if the backhoe was downstream of the splitters 
>customers had to wait for a re-splice repair anyway.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Andy Farkas <an...@andyit.com.au>
Sent: 3 October 2015 10:34:23 am AEST
To: link@mailman.anu.edu.au
Subject: Re: [LINK] itN: Perth-Singapore Cable Cut

On 02/10/15 23:42, Paul Brooks wrote:
> The cable cut was in Indonesian waters. Nothing to do with NBN, any slowness 
> is due to each RSPs inadequate  international arrangements.

My point was unclear. I was referring to fact that with redundant
cables the Internet can route around faults, but with the idiots at
nbn(tm) removing the redundancy in *its* network, once a cable
is cut, that's it, you're down until it's fixed.

IIRC this came up a couple months ago. See:



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