At 09:51 AM 30/10/2015, Jim Birch you wrote:
>Doesn't the idea that you can land somewhere and have your id "proven" by a
>piece of paper belong in distant past?  It's an absolute relic that
>predates the telegraph.

Sometimes simple is best. Imagine, you're in Melbourne Airport, trying to come 
in through customs and the power goes out. It happens.

Or imagine you have one of those SmartGate passports and it continually fails. 
Choice: get in the long line or make goo goo eyes at the customs guy and get 
sent to the aircrew entry line (has happened to me TWICE).

Reliance on technology as the only fall-back is insane.


I write books.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: <>JL_Whitaker

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space. 
~Margaret Atwood, writer 

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