On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 11:09 +1100, Jim Birch wrote:
> It seems to me that it would be possible to improve the satellite
> performance significantly via the use of a smart, distributed version of
> [a proxy][...]
> Squid, something like this:  Satellite endpoints run "DSquid" software and
> have a large local storage,

What is a "satellite endpoint"?

> movies.  The satellite continuously broadcasts what goes into the central
> DSquid cache using some kind of smart algorithm based frequency of access
> across the user base.

This kind of assumes that the only data being carried is movies and that
it's OK to keep the pipe filled with that data.

> might be already pre-downloaded into your local cache when decide you want

Where is "your local cache"? And who is (are?) "you"?

This all seems to presuppose that there are ground stations that people
connect to via fast non-satellite links. Or perhaps that satellite users
are networked amongst themselves on fast non-satellite links. If neither
of those things is true, I don't see how any amount of caching can avoid
sending multiple copies of a given movie at random times over satellite
links, once per consumer. I really hope you don't mean caching at the
consumer site, and therefore caching lots of movies just in case that
particular user wants to watch them! I suppose you could cache the data
*in the satellite* to avoid repeating one leg of the trip. Maybe that's
what you meant by "satellite endpoint", but it doesn't square with your
suggested use of cheap spinning magnetic storage, which would be a
disaster in space. The caching idea also sort of presupposes one
provider - or are multiple providers supposed to use a shared cache?
It's all sounding extremely complex at best, and we haven't even added
DRM into the mix.

> it.   The broadcast stream has zero marginal cost so could of be free to
> all the satellites users.

I don't understand that at all. Literally - I read the words, but can
extract no meaning. Could you explain what "the broadcast stream" is in
particular, and why it has no marginal cost?

Since you are not usually prone to writing nonsense, I can't help
feeling that I have badly missed your point.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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