Rather than a wing of a hospital - more useful would be remote care and 
operations. Imagine having 
access to the best surgeons in your local library, school or [aged] care 
facility. Not having to fly 
hundreds of kms or risking life and limb in traffic to have a baby.

A lot of surgery these days already involves robots.
> Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid 
> surgery, or keyhole surgery, is a modern surgical technique in which 
> operations are performed far from their location through small incisions 
> (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) elsewhere in the body.

On 12/02/16 13:15, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
> Robots in health care could lead to a doctorless hospital
> The Conversation
> Anjali Jaiprakash
> Jonathan Roberts
> Ross Crawford
> February 9, 2016 6.07am AED
> https://theconversation.com/robots-in-health-care-could-lead-to-a-doctorless-hospital-54316
> Imagine your child requires a life-saving operation. You enter the
> hospital and are confronted with a stark choice.
> Do you take the traditional path with human medical staff, including
> doctors and nurses, where long-term trials have shown a 90% chance that
> they will save your child’s life?
> Or do you choose the robotic track, in the factory-like wing of the
> hospital, tended to by technical specialists and an array of robots, but
> where similar long-term trials have shown that your child has a 95%
> chance of survival?
> Most rational people would opt for the course of action that is more
> likely to save their child. But are we really ready to let machines take
> over from a human in delivering patient care?
> Of course, machines will not always get it right. But like autopilots in
> aircraft, and the driverless cars that are just around the corner,
> medical robots do not need to be perfect, they just have to be better
> than humans.
> So how long before robots are shown to perform better than humans at
> surgery and other patient care? It may be sooner, or it may be later,
> but it will happen one day.
> But what does this mean for our hospitals? Are the new hospitals being
> built now ready for a robotic future? Are we planning for large-scale
> role changes for the humans in our future robotic factory-like hospitals?
> Our future hospitals
> Hospitals globally have been slow to adopt robotics and artificial
> intelligence into patient care, although both have been widely used and
> tested in other industries.
> Medicine has traditionally been slow to change, as safety is at its
> core. Financial pressures will inevitably force industry and governments
> to recognise that when robots can do something better and for the same
> price as humans, the robot way will be the only way.
> What some hospitals have done in the past 10 years is recognise the
> potential to be more factory-like, and hence more efficient. The term
> “focused factories” has been used to describe some of these new
> hospitals that specialise in a few key procedures and that organise the
> workflow in a more streamlined and industrial way.
> They have even tried “lean processing” methods borrowed from the car
> manufacturing industry. One idea is to free up the humans in hospitals
> so that they can carry out more complex cases.
> Some people are nervous about turning hospitals into factories. There
> are fears that “lean” means cutting money and hence employment. But if
> the motivation for going lean is to do more with the same, then it is
> likely that employment will change rather than reduce.
> Medicine has long been segmented into many specialised fields but the
> doctor has been expected to travel with the patient through the full
> treatment pathway.
> A surgeon, for example, is expected to be compassionate, and good at
> many tasks, such as diagnosing, interpreting tests, such as X-rays and
> MRIs, performing a procedure and post-operative care.
> As in numerous other industries, new technology will be one of the
> drivers that will change this traditional method of delivery. We can see
> that one day, each of the stages of care through the hospital could be
> largely achieved by a computer, machine or robot.
> Some senior doctors are already seeing a change and they are worried
> about the de-humanising of medicine but this is a change for the better.
> Safety first but some AI already here
> Our future robot-factory hospital example is the end game, but many of
> its components already exist. We are simply waiting for them to be
> tested enough to satisfy us all that they can be used safely.
> There are programs to make diagnoses based on a series of questions, and
> algorithms inform many treatments used now by doctors.
> Surgeons are already using robots in the operating theatre to assist
> with surgery. Currently, the surgeon remains in control with the machine
> being more of a slave than a master. As the machines improve, it will be
> possible for a trained technician to oversee the surgery and ultimately
> for the robot to be fully in charge.
> Hospitals will be very different places in 20 years. Beds will be able
> to move autonomously transporting patients from the emergency room to
> the operating theatre, via X-ray if needed.
> Triage will be done with the assistance of an AI device. Many decisions
> on treatment will be made with the assistance of, or by, intelligent
> machines.
> Your medical information, including medications, will be read from a
> chip under your skin or in your phone. No more waiting for medical
> records or chasing information when an unconscious patient presents to
> the emergency room.
> Robots will be able to dispense medication safely and rehabilitation
> will be robotically assisted. Only our imaginations can limit how health
> care will be delivered.
> Who is responsible when things go wrong?
> The hospital of the future may not require many doctors, but the numbers
> employed are unlikely to change at first.
> Doctors in the near future are going to need many different skills than
> the doctors of today. An understanding of technology will be imperative.
> They will need to learn programming and computer skills well before the
> start of medical school. Programming will become the fourth literacy
> along with reading, writing (which may vanish) and arithmetic.
> But who will people sue if something goes wrong? This is, sadly, one of
> the first questions many people ask.
> Robots will be performing tasks and many of the diagnoses will be made
> by a machine, but at least in the near future there will be a human
> involved in the decision-making process.
> Insurance costs and litigation will hopefully reduce as machines perform
> procedures more precisely and with fewer complications. But who do you
> sue if your medical treatment goes tragically wrong and no human has
> touched you? That’s a question that still needs to be answered.
> So too is the question of whether people will really trust a machine to
> make a diagnosis, give out tablets or do an operation?
> Perhaps we have to accept that humans are far from perfect and mistakes
> are inevitable in health care, just as they are when we put humans
> behind the wheel of a car. So if driverless cars are going to reduce
> traffic accidents and congestion then maybe doctorless hospitals will
> one day save more lives and reduce the cost of health care?

Marghanita da Cruz
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