At 12:49 +1000 28/7/16, David Lochrin wrote:
>Hofstatder states "To me, the major question in AI is this: "What in the world 
>is going on to enable you to convert from 100,000,000 retinal dots into one 
>single word 'mother' in one tenth of a second?"  Perception is where it's at!" 

Much as I admire Hofstadter - and I should pull out my copy of 'Metamagical 
Themas' as well - I 'perceive' no significant difference between the notion of 
'perception' as we're discussing it here, and 'grace' in Christian liturgical 

It's a denotator of the gap between the physical apparatus and what we think we 
think.  It's not a denotator of a construct for which one or more working 
definitions / operationalisations exist that provide a meaningful basis for 
analysis and debate.

I'm a theist.  I understand why people need a god or gods, and I'm very happy 
to use the term 'god' for the gap between what I think I can grasp and all 
those things that I'm sure I can't.  (But she doesn't have a throne, an 
avuncular look, or a beard).

I put the notions god, grace and perception in the same basket.  

That's not a put-down.  It's an acknowledgement that it's not feasible to 
construct refutable statements with any of those terms in them, i.e. in 
Popperian terms, they're part of the ascientific realm.

Roger Clarke                       
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd      78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 6288 6916                     

Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Law            University of N.S.W.
Visiting Professor in Computer Science    Australian National University
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