Sounds like Sidney Powell - "I know the guy who wrote the code for
Hugo Chavez, DAMN IT! Why won't you believe me????" I've wondered what
breakfast radio duo dreamt this up and are punking her.

"Experts' abound. One on every corner. So who do you believe? The
Dominion Voting system CEO explained on Fox News that of the 14
counties that used their system in Pennsylvania, many went to TRUMP.
Not exactly proof of fraud by the machine.
But the solution is what was used in Georgia: if you use a touch
screen voting machine, print out the vote and file that as well. Then
when you need a recount, you can 1) hand count the votes and 2) do a
match to the machine for reliability. Guess what: they matched.
My vote to Arizona was done online as well. I got a PDF of the voting
paper and had to fill in the circles next to the name of the candidate
I wanted to vote for. A separate page included a registration code and
my signature and date to accompany my separate vote page and were
uploaded to their system and logged in. Then my signature was compared
to what was on file to be sure I was the same person. I received an
email when it was completed and my vote registered. This was in
Arizona and the first time in my life I think my vote in a state
actually helped my candidate for President win the election (I've
lived in conservative Republican states during my voting life).
IF e-voting is properly done, it can be very efficient and even more
accurate than the human eye in handling votes and counting.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kim Holburn" 
To:"Link mailing list" 
Sent:Thu, 26 Nov 2020 09:24:28 +1100
Subject:[LINK] ACT election 2020: Electronic voting system flawed in
2020 poll, experts say

 > Flaws in the ACT's electronic voting system could have changed the
result of the 2020 poll, cyber security experts say.
 > The errors did not cause the wrong candidates to be elected at the
October 17 ballot, but the experts say it was only through 
 > "good luck" that the seat contests weren't close enough for the
flaws to be consequential.
 > The report recommended changes to the ACT's electoral laws to open
the system up to public scrutiny so that serious "errors and 
 > vulnerabilities" can be caught.
 > "We are going to risk that the Legislative Assembly does not
reflect the will of the people."
 > Mr Cantwell couldn't provide an immediate response to the report's
findings because of their "nature and complexity".

 Kim Holburn
 IT Network & Security Consultant
 T: +61 2 61402408 M: +61 404072753 aim://kimholburn
 skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request

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