Hi Geoff,

>    it appears that I have the C development packages installed under the 
> package names libc6 and libc6-dev. I installed and tried wajig (I prefer 
> kpackage). The quoted file is the result of a wajig search for ¨io.h¨. 
> Which file do I point lxsys.c towards?
Try to search for /io.h to get less output. On my Debian it
produces (among other things)

usr/include/sys/io.h  libdevel/libc6-dev

This file is missing on your system and I do not have
any idea why. Maybe an uninstall of libc6-dev followed 
by a new install would help. 

I have installed Debian over the Internet recently as 
described here:
(at the bottom of this page)
You would have to select development in the standard install.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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