Hello  Francesco,

> about Linrad-02.22, for example, i'm not able to run with it (as i do with 
> 2.20 and 2.21) the 
> recorded files (like FRH0135 for example and others)because when i push the 
> "A" key it crash.
> This is a minus problem.
OK. I can reproduce it now:-)

I always have a second file name on the line to have separate
parameters for each recording. This will be an easy fix - 
but since I leave in less than 24 hours I can not fix it 

> The main problem on my new UBUNTU installation (with ALSA)is that i'm not 
> able to obtain the
> filter calibration, although i have copied into the LINRAD folder the 
> "DSP***" files, that i'm
> using on Mandrake installation.
You must use the same settings for the soundcard. 
Same number of channels, same sampling speed and
mode (I/Q or real-valued data) Compare the par_userint
files to see what differs between your two installations.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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