> okay, I'm stumped. I have samba setup and I'm able to use it but how do
> I setup other users, easily?  Here's the process I've been successful
> with thus far: Note: current setup win98 clients, NT server (network
> authentication)
> 1.  I setup my network user name in linux (adduser/passwd) Note:
> username must match what I log into NT with AND must be in
> upper-case. NT must convert to UC cause LC would not work.=20

Lower case works fine for me.

> 2.  I create my user from step 1. in samba (smbpasswd -a <username>)
> give the same password I user in 1. but not the same    password  I use
> as my NT network password.=20
> I then have to MAP a drive to my samba share \\s390\< upper-case
> username>. (Explore - Tools - Map Network Drive). Give my user name
> (smbpasswd) and it works! I am able to see my samba share and my
> printers I have setup using print-conf.=20

Read the docs more closelyy;-)

I have set up Samba as a PDC (on IA32).

For each NT, W2K and XP system you need a computer account:
        useradd computer$
        smppasswd -a -M computer
for all relevant values of computer

root needs a Samba password, I don't think it has to be the same:
smpbasswd -a root

Each Nt, W2K and XP machine has to join the dommain. See
control-panel/system/identification. You need to specify the root user
and root's SMB password as the domain administrator.

If you've set up [home] properly in smb.conf then users' home
directories appear automatically as z:

Win9x family will work if you have the above working but you don't need
to add each machine. Any machine plugged into the network will work.
Including my laptop if I have n account on your system;-)

If you setup netlogon then you can have logon scripts - per user, per
machine or onw for all - as you choose.

You can create the logon script with vim, be sure to "set

> 1.      I go into window to setup the printer(s) but  (issue #1) no
> drivers. I have:
>  [printer$]
>         comment =3D Printer Drivers
>         path =3D /usr/local/samba/printers
>         guest ok =3D yes
> and yes, I did put the drivers in there. I wound up having them already
> in the list but I thought I could pick from /usr/local/samba/printers.
> The *.inf is there but I cannot see the directory.
> 2.      issue #2 - user setup. do I have to setup each user this way.
> there is a reference to an add_user script. I've looked for this
> but so far all I've found are reasons not to post it as "site specific
> material". I just want to know what is suppose to look  like and I'll
> modify it to my site.=20
> regards, j-me

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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