> I have grabbed the think blue .ISO files and downloaded them to my desktop
> system.
> I have hercules installed on the desktop.
> the question is "how or what can I do with the .iso images to make them
> into disks ??

A .iso file is a block for block image of the filesystem for a CD-ROM.

On linux you can feed one to cdwrite/xcdroast/etc and burn a CD
You can mount the file with a loopback mount

losetup /dev/loop0 archive.iso
mount /dev/loop0 /somewhere

umount /somewhere
losetup -d /dev/loop0

With trembling hands he unfurled the ancient cracked parchment, this was
the place, it had to be. Uncertainly he began to mumble the chant "rdbms,
sql , third normal formal form, java,  table, scalable". Something moved..
>From outside they heard a scream and a thud. The sales department had awoken

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