Mount commands would be good if i had a unix platform, I have win 2000 pro
with Hercules running a guest .


      Well, that sounds like a mistake.  Well, there's always FIPS on an
      x86 Linux Distro to help make room for a _real_ OS on your PC.  :-)

      Sorry for the cruelty, but your choice is to either burn the images
      so that W2K can read them or to install a more flexible OS.  While
      you'll lose the "pretty" HercGUI tool (which I must admit is very
      pretty) there are other reasons to run Linux under such a system.

      Though I would suspect it'd be confusing to run Linux 390 on top of
      hercules on top of another Linux system;  Just make sure that you've
      properly set up /etc/issue (and issue.net) to remind you of which is
      which...          :-)

John R. Campbell, Speaker to Machines (GNUrd)      {813-356|697}-5322
"Will Work for CLAIM Codes"
IBM Certified: IBM AIX 4.3 System Administration, System Support

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