>  OK, here we go...
>  For each of the distro's in
>   Redhat, SuSE, Turbo, Debian, ThinkBlue/64 (Have I missed any?)
>     I'd like a single bootable CCKD DASD Image about 1/5th of a CDROM
>     large. (No need for a swap partition, a single SWAP should be OK)
>     Standardised "HW" possibly similar to what I have for my Debian/
> 390
>       200     3390    DEB390-CCKD sf=DEB390-shadow_   nosyio
>       201     3390    SWAP-CCKD   sf=SWAP-shadow_     nosyio
>       A000    3088    CTCI (windows or Linux syntax, standardised
>       A001    3088    CTCI
>       ????    3505    ./rdr/whatever
>       ????    3420    ./tape/whatever.TDF

>     If we have enough room, I'd like to include a "boot_dir"
> containing

650/5 = Not Very Much.

You can do it, but a joy to use it won't be.

Consider making a DVD image.

Structure it so each distro is separate and separately downloadable.
Set it up so one can download any combination and combine two or three
of them (using mkisofs) into a single ISO for burning or simply using,
maybe over the LAN.

Presumably you plan to have some kind of menu selection; have the
script that displays it detect what's actually present on the image.

Speaking of "over the lan" - how cool would it be to run it directly
from YOUR site on MY pc over the Internet!

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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If you don't like being told you're wrong,
        be right!

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