Reinald Verheij wrote:

>On Win32 and on other Unixes some compilers have possibilities to optimize
>instruction scheduling in the compiler for Pentium pipeline architecture etc...
>Does anything like this exist in GCC, to optimize the instruction stream for
>G4, G5 or G6 etc processors ?

We currently always schedule for Freeway processors; there are no options to
change the instruction scheduling behaviour.  As the resulting code is mostly
optimal for G6 and earlier processors as well, there's probably not much
point in adding these ...

(This applies to recent versions of the compiler, e.g. the ones included
with kernel 2.4 based distributions.  The compilers included with the
2.2 based distros from 2000 have somewhat suboptimal scheduling.  The
upcoming gcc 3.1 should schedule even better, though ;-))


  Dr. Ulrich Weigand

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