Hi Rick,

Yup, Diag/DiagRc will both do the trick too - I've never been a fan of the
Diag/DiagRc syntax however.  I originally used PIPE to do this, but as I
said, you then need to get concerned with the default PIPE separator stage
(I suppose setting it to some character which cannot be entered via the
keyboard might do the trick - probably ought to do that instead of EXECIO as

I guess by even mentioning EXECIO I'm showing my "age".  :)

Michael Coffin, VM Systems Programmer
Internal Revenue Service - Room 6527
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20224

Voice: (202) 927-4188   FAX:  (202) 622-3123

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Troth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Using Secuser and send to shutdown linux image???

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Coffin Michael C wrote:
> You're going to need to SEND those Linux commands in lower case (by
> they will be upper cased).   Use EXECIO to pass the command to CP   ...

I have to recommend Diag(08,'SEND'...) or Diagrc(08,'SEND'...) instead. This
is probably the Pipelines fiend in me:  even though I'm
not using Pipes in this case,  I have an anti-EXECIO thing now.   ;-)

> /*Send commands to Linux on SUSE0001 in mixed case*/
> Trace Off
> Address Command
> Parse Arg Command
> Exit Rc

/*Send commands to Linux on SUSE0001 in mixed case*/
Trace Off
Parse Arg Command
Parse Value Diagrc(08,'SEND SUSE0001' Command ,
                With 1 Rc 10 . 17 Rs '15'x .
If Rs ^= "" Then Say Rs
Exit Rc

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