> I ran across secuser and send while reading this weekend and have tried to
> create a rexx exec that I could use to automate the shutdown of a linux
> image but I can't seem to get the login to work.  Has anyone an example of
> doing something like this under z/vm that they would be willing to share?

See other postings by Mike C. and me for REXX examples.
Also,  you may want to run a console shell of some sort.
Mike K. has one,  and I believe there are others.
Mine is included here  (sans the /etc/inittab change required):

#         Date: 2000-Sep-16 (Sun)

# argument #1 can be a console filespec:
if [ -z "$CONSOLE" ] ; then CONSOLE=/dev/console ; fi

# set the prompt string:
#PS1="$PS1 # "
PS1="$PS1 \\\$ "
export PS1

# set the shell to something safe:
if [ -x /sbin/sh ] ; then SHELL=/sbin/sh ; fi

# add a couple important things to command search PATH var:
if [ -d /usr/bin/X11 ] ; then PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin/X11" ; fi
if [ -d /usr/local/bin ] ; then PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" ; fi
export PATH

# now run that shell:

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