> Scott,
> Thanks for the insight.
> I think our problem is item 2, residual data.  The volumes were cleanly
> formatted for use with z/VM and Linux, but over time, files are deleted and
> new ones are allocated within ext2fs, and we suspect that this file system
> is not "zero-ing out" the deleted files.  In other words, if we created a
> 10GB file system, and filled it with files, then deleted all but one file,
> the RVA would still think there is 10GB of data, because none of it was
> zeroed-out.
> On z/OS, the ERASE ON SCRATCH option zeros-out the tracks containing data,
> so that hardware compression can take advantage of this.

man chattr
chattr +s ...

I'm not sure I believe all the man page says though. Any comments on the
compression Alan?

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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        be right!

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