On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 08:51, you wrote:
> Just as I thought - Linux is more interested in some notion of
> "cleanliness" rather than real user problems! devfs has already been
> coded and is available for zSeries users who need some relief. I've
> been struggling with this idiotic dev node system for 2 years on up to
> 40 linux LPARS and I can tell you from hard experience that "niceness"
> and what might happen in the future hasn't been the least bit of help
> in dealing with several thousands devices.
> Excuse the frankness but the linux solution is neither clean or easy to
> use IMNSHO.
> The net effect of this linux approach, in reality, is that all machines
> should look like a PCs rather than Linux being flexible enough to
> provide special solutions for special problems.

Why don't you put the question to your Linux vendor? I have heard that devfs
isn't all it was hoped to be and the RH will not support it, that "something
better" is coming.

Unfortunately, I can't recall anything specific. Perhaps Alan can enlighten
us, or tell be I've been enjoying forbidden substances.

I do have the impression the SCSI world is going from bananas to worse; I
hot-plugged in a Firewire drive and it came up at /dev/sda, and apparently
USB cameras have been known to appear at /dev/sda too, and that sounds to me
like a serious headache for the PC world.

John Summerfield

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