> When you want to ask a question, please compose a
> new letter instead of using the reply button.

sorry and will do.

> The maximum size of a file depends on
> a) Your kernel - 2.4.x support files larger than 2
> Gbytes, 2.2.x don't.
> b) libc - glibc 2.2 supports files larger than 2
> Gbytes, 2.1 doesn't.
> c) Maybe, your filesystem (ext2, xfs etc).
> d) Possibly, the actual program you use. Some
> explicitly check the file's size
> in an effort to "avoid a future error."
> e) Your architecture. I understand 64-bit machines
> have supported files larger
> than 2 Gbytes for quite a while.
> I run 2.4.x kernels, glibc 2.2.x on ext{2,3}
> filesystems and often have files
> larger than 2 Gbytes.
> If you think your probem may be d), then try an
> alternative program such as
> scp.

for a, b and c (resierfs) we are ok. I even tried
"mkreiserfs -v2 /dev/sdxxxx" suggested on another post
without any luck.

we tried the ftp between two MVS LPARs and had the
same result. I searched the net for the error code on
the mvs side "EZA2590E" but with no clear indication
of the problem.


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