I installed a newer version of the FTP server ProFTP v
1.2.6 and that solved the problem. I am not sure if
it's a compile option that suse used or what for the
original version 1.2.2. I just complied with the
default options.

--- John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 13:42, you wrote:
> > for a, b and c (resierfs) we are ok. I even tried
> > "mkreiserfs -v2 /dev/sdxxxx" suggested on another
> post
> > without any luck.
> Try dd if=/dev/zero of/.... and see how big the file
> is when it fails. Be sure
> to have at least 2 Gbytes of space.
> If you have a _lot_ more, then limit the size by
> using bs= and count= on the
> dd command.
> This will tell you for sure whether your system
> supports such big files.
> If that's okay, the try something other than ftp to
> copy the file.
> Alternatives include
> scp
> ssh there | tar c -C source-dir . | tar xpC dest-dir
> Mount using nfs
> Mount using smbfs (requires samba at the other end).
> Failing all else, try sneakernet.
> --
> Cheers
> John Summerfield
> Microsoft's most solid OS:
> http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/
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