On Thursday, 11/14/2002 at 10:57 EST, "Geyer, Thomas L."
> I am attempting to setup a Guest Lan on zVM 4.3 on a z800. I have one
> machine, lnxrtr1, up and running with a CTC connection to the zVM TCPIP
> virtual machine. My goal is to have the lnxrtr1 linux machine act be a
> router for my Guest Lan. I am now trying to get lnxrtr1 to communicate
> the Guest Lan. I have defined the LAN as follows:
> I have used presentations from Share, presentations from IBM's zVM/zOS
> Technical Conference, IBM's Large Scale Linux Deployment Redbook and the
> Device Drivers and Installation Commands Manual as reference in this
> If anyone can see what I did wrong please let me know, I have been
> this for days. Your help is greatly appreciated. I apologize for the
> of this email.

Routing, son, routing.  Look carefully at the subnet mask of eth1:

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
          inet addr:  Mask:

All of your real network LAN traffic that was previously being bounced
back through the CTC connection is now flowing into the virtual bit
bucket.  Fix up the subnet mask ( and all will be well
(he said hopefully).

Alan Altmark
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM z/VM Development

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