On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 02:27:47 +0800, John Summerfield wrote:

>On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Ken Dreger wrote:
>> Right, DEC-COMPAC-HP, cannot even GIVE the VMS platform and software away
>> today....  I did DEC for 5+ years, and hated it ..
>> Compared to IBM DEC is a PC on drugs......
>Whatever your opionion, a lot of folk used it. I checked the openvms
>website and it looks to me there's a lot of excited folk involved with
>it now.

Quite possibly - however getting current software (my example is BEA
Weblogic Server) certified for it is a major undertaking/hassle. Because
of a deteriorating number of users.
However, BEA is certifying for use on eg. Linux AND Linux/390.

(not a BEA employee any more)

Per Jessen, Zurich
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