David, I thought I was going to stay quite and not say anything but all
through the Holidays I couldn't get this email from my mind. I know you
have done a lot of testing with LVS and I would like to get some of your
benchmarks so that I can learn more about how the LVS behaves on Linux for
s/390, so Could I get some of the benchmark numbers you have gotten from
testing tunneling on Linux for s/390? It would really benefit me and my
work with customers, so if you can send some of those numbers it would
really help a lot of people. I am willing to send them to the LVS forum
(which I belong to) and let them know how bad there performance is. As a
matter of fact we have some people working with the LVS in production and
by the way as much as your 8000 linux images running under VM customer is
not a reference (and unknown to everyone) so is this customer and it is
very happy with the performance. Please let me know when I can get your
benchmark numbers. Thanks Carlos :-)

> If you use tunneling as the protocol the real servers can be
> located any where and it supports windows or any other
> operating system
> that you can run the application and that supports TCPIP.
> [... snip ...]
> I
> have tested
> having servers in Linux zSeries and Intel and everything
> worked fine. I
> know I am over simplifying things but it is really not
> difficult to setup
> and test. Carlos :-)

Doing this on a par with existing Unix or Windows based clustering tools
is quite a bit harder than just workload distribution, which is the
majority of what LVS can do -- LVS provides services similar to the
external CSS boxes. To do more sophisticated clustering, it takes a LOT
of hardware resources, and unfortunately, zSeries hardware is still more
expensive than the commodity hardware on the discrete systems which
makes this a hard sell as a viable solution.

The tunneling you mention is *very* processor intensive -- exactly the
point I mentioned earlier. Technically it works, but I don't think very
many of us can dedicate an engine -- even a lower cost IFL engine -- to
layer 2 frame forwarding, and in a significant implementation, it's not
unlikely to need that kind of horsepower to keep packets moving. We need
some hardware-based acceleration for this function, ASAP.

-- db

Saying goes: Great minds think alike - I say: Great minds think for

Carlos A. Ordonez
IBM Corporation
Server Consolidation

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