> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 5:11 AM
> Subject: Re: 3270 emulation packages
> I appologize for my misunderstanding.  What I am looking for is a
> software emulation package to replace a 3270 controller unit (i.e. a
> 3174).
>  - Jason Herne

Now I'm confused. Do you want a program which will run on Linux/390 which
communicates to a real 3270 terminal without a 3174? 3270s are attached to a
3174 via coax (normally). There is no way to coax attach directly to an IBM
At one time, I think that BlackBox had a device which would connect a real
3270 terminal to an ASCII host. Basically it made a 3270 terminal look like
a VT-100. But I don't see such a thing on their web site anymore.

Just to be sure that I understand. You want to attach a real 3270 "green
screen" to your Linux/390 system, but without a 3174 control unit (or
equivalent)? If that is correct, I think this is impossible.

John McKown
Senior Technical Specialist
UICI Insurance Center
Applications & Solutions Team

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